- Plex Meta Manager can
- 1.验证是否安装了 Python 3.7 或更高版本,如果没有安装请安装
- 2.验证Git工具是否安装,如果没有安装请安装
- 3.用于git检索代码
- 4.安装要求 [PMM 需要额外的代码]
- 5.TMDb API 密钥 ps:网上教程都有
- 6.Plex URL 和令牌 ps:网上教程都有
- 7.用python运行脚本
- 8.使用文本编辑器修改几个文件,直到获得一个可用的配置文件和一个可用的元数据文件。
PowerShell终端键入python3 --version如果没有返回3.7.0或更高版本,则需要重新安装Python
git --version如果这没有返回版本号,则您需要安装 git
检索 Plex-Meta-Manager 代码终端键入
cd ~ git clone https://github.com/meisnate12/Plex-Meta-Manager cd Plex-Meta-Manager注意:本测试的其余部分假设您位于这个终端/Powershell 窗口中的目录下。 重要提示:后续,当您想在命令行运行 PMM 时,您必须在这目录下运行。
python -m venv pmm-venv如果该命令有效,则不会产生任何输出;如果出现问题,它将显示错误。如果一切正常,您将看到如下内容:
> python -m venv pmm-venv >如果报错提示如下
Python was not found; run without arguments to install from the Microsoft Store, or disable this shortcut from Settings > Manage App Execution Aliases.您显然没有在安装 Python时选中上面的“添加到路径”复选框。“修复”你的 Python 安装并选中“将 python 添加到环境变量”,请自行网上寻找手动添加环境变量的办法。 如果您没有看到错误,则可以继续。
.\pmm-venv\Scripts\activate : File C:\Users\mroche\Plex-Meta-Manager\pmm-venv\Scripts\Activate.ps1 cannot be loaded because running scripts is disabled on this system. For more information, see about_Execution_Policies at https:/go.microsoft.com/fwlink LinkID=135170. At line:1 char:1 + .\pmm-venv\Scripts\activate + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo : SecurityError: (:) [], PSSecurityException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : UnauthorizedAccess您显然跳过了上面为 Windows安装 Python时的“在 Powershell 中启用脚本”步骤。 在继续之前,您需要解决这个问题。完成此操作后,请再次尝试激活步骤。 如果该命令有效,则不会产生任何输出;如果出现问题,它将显示错误。 您可能会看到提示发生变化,如下所示:
➜ Plex-Meta-Manager git:(master) ✗ source pmm-venv/bin/activate (pmm-venv) ➜ Plex-Meta-Manager git:(master) ✗提示现在显示虚拟环境的名称。你可能看不到这个;它取决于您的终端配置,与 Python 或 PMM 无关 在虚拟环境中执行此操作的一个优点是,如果这部分设置出现问题,您可以删除该 pmm-venv 目录并再次进行设置。 重要提示:将来,当您想要运行脚本时,每次都需要执行此“激活”步骤。不是 venv 创建,只需要激活:
.\pmm-venv\Scripts\activatePlex-Meta-Manager 与其他 Python 脚本一样,依赖于支持库来管理 Plex 连接、从互联网获取内容或写入文件等事务。 这些支持库称为“依赖”,它们在名为requirements.txt. 要安装它们,请输入以下命令[在终端中输入]:
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt你应该看到类似这样的内容 [我删除了几行以节省空间,并且自安装以来特定版本可能已更改]无需理会。
Collecting PlexAPI==4.7.0 Downloading PlexAPI-4.7.0-py3-none-any.whl (133 kB) |████████████████████████████████| 133 kB 821 kB/s Collecting tmdbv3api==1.7.6 Downloading tmdbv3api-1.7.6-py2.py3-none-any.whl (17 kB) ... Installing collected packages: urllib3, idna, charset-normalizer, certifi, six, ruamel.yaml.clib, requests, tmdbv3api, schedule, ruamel.yaml, retrying, PlexAPI, pillow, pathvalidate, lxml, arrapi Running setup.py install for retrying ... done Running setup.py install for arrapi ... done Successfully installed PlexAPI-4.7.0 arrapi-1.1.3 certifi-2021.10.8 charset-normalizer-2.0.7 idna-3.3 lxml-4.6.3 pathvalidate-2.4.1 pillow-8.3.2 requests-2.26.0 retrying-1.3.3 ruamel.yaml-0.17.10 ruamel.yaml.clib-0.2.6 schedule-1.1.0 six-1.16.0 tmdbv3api-1.7.6 urllib3-1.26.7 WARNING: You are using pip version 21.1.3; however, version 21.3 is available. You should consider upgrading via the '/Users/mroche/Plex-Meta-Manager/pmm-venv/bin/python -m pip install --upgrade pip' command.
python plex_meta_manager.py -r你应该看到这样的输出:
Config Error: config not found at /Users/mroche/Plex-Meta-Manager/config该错误意味着您没有配置文件,但我们至少知道环境配置已到位并且脚本可以运行啦啦啦~ 继续
mkdir config\assets接下来把前面准备的tmdb-api、plex-url&token填入对应位置
copy .\config\config.yml.template .\config\config.yml
notepad .\config\config.yml我在这里使用它notepad只是因为它内置于 Windows 中。你可以使用任何其他您想要的文本编辑器,只要它将文件保存为config.yml即可。 以下展示默认两种配置电影和电视剧。我演示这里只打了视频分辨率和音频标签。 向下滚动一点并找到你刚刚准备的三个需求值填入;Plex URL、Plex 令牌和 TMDb API 密钥。 4 与 14 行这里改成你的实际的库名字,11、12行就是你想打啥标签就加上。多个库就复制对应配置添加即可,其他不需要的库请注释掉。以#开头或者删除对应不需要打标签的库。 api与url大概在第80行之后的位置。 其他的标签,请自行研究下wiki标签代码
## This file is a template remove the .template to use the file libraries: # This is called out once within the config.yml file '这里填plex里面电影库的名字': # These are names of libraries in your Plex metadata_path: - pmm: basic # This is a file within PMM's defaults folder - pmm: imdb # This is a file within PMM's defaults folder # see the wiki for how to use local files, folders, URLs, or files from git overlay_path: - remove_overlays: false # Set this to true to remove all overlays - pmm: resolution # This is a file within PMM's defaults folder - pmm: audio_codec # see the wiki for how to use local files, folders, URLs, or files from git '这里填plex里面电视剧库的名字': metadata_path: - pmm: basic # This is a file within PMM's defaults folder - pmm: imdb # This is a file within PMM's defaults folder # see the wiki for how to use local files, folders, URLs, or files from git overlay_path: - remove_overlays: false # Set this to true to remove all overlays - pmm: resolution # This is a file within PMM's defaults folder - pmm: audio_codec # see the wiki for how to use local files, folders, URLs, or files from git # Anime: # metadata_path: # - pmm: basic # This is a file within PMM's defaults folder # - pmm: anilist # This is a file within PMM's defaults folder # see the wiki for how to use local files, folders, URLs, or files from git # Music: # metadata_path: # - file: config/Music.yml # This is a local file THAT YOU MIGHT CREATE #playlist_files: #- pmm: playlist # This is a file within PMM's defaults folder # see the wiki for how to use local files, folders, URLs, or files from git settings: cache: true cache_expiration: 60 asset_directory: config/assets asset_folders: true asset_depth: 0 create_asset_folders: false prioritize_assets: false dimensional_asset_rename: false download_url_assets: false show_missing_season_assets: false show_missing_episode_assets: false show_asset_not_needed: true sync_mode: append minimum_items: 1 default_collection_order: delete_below_minimum: true delete_not_scheduled: false run_again_delay: 2 missing_only_released: false only_filter_missing: false show_unmanaged: true show_unconfigured: true show_filtered: false show_options: false show_missing: true show_missing_assets: true save_report: false tvdb_language: eng ignore_ids: ignore_imdb_ids: item_refresh_delay: 0 playlist_sync_to_user: all playlist_exclude_users: playlist_report: false verify_ssl: true custom_repo: check_nightly: false webhooks: # Can be individually specified per library as well error: version: run_start: run_end: changes: delete: plex: # Can be individually specified per library as well; REQUIRED for the script to run url: http://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:32400 token: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx timeout: 60 clean_bundles: false empty_trash: false optimize: false tmdb: # REQUIRED for the script to run apikey: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx language: zh cache_expiration: 60 region: tautulli: # Can be individually specified per library as well url: apikey: ################################ omdb: apikey: ######## cache_expiration: 60 mdblist: apikey: ######################### cache_expiration: 60 notifiarr: apikey: #################################### anidb: # Not required for AniDB builders unless you want mature content username: ###### password: ###### language: en client: radarr: # Can be individually specified per library as well url: token: ################################ add_missing: false add_existing: false root_folder_path: S:/Movies monitor: true availability: announced quality_profile: HD-1080p tag: search: false radarr_path: plex_path: upgrade_existing: false ignore_cache: false sonarr: # Can be individually specified per library as well url: token: ################################ add_missing: false add_existing: false root_folder_path: S:/TV Shows monitor: all quality_profile: HD-1080p language_profile: English series_type: standard season_folder: true tag: search: false cutoff_search: false sonarr_path: plex_path: upgrade_existing: false ignore_cache: false trakt: client_id: #################### client_secret: #################### pin: authorization: # everything below is autofilled by the script access_token: token_type: expires_in: refresh_token: scope: public created_at: mal: client_id: #################### client_secret: #################### authorization: # everything below is autofilled by the script access_token: token_type: expires_in: refresh_token:配置保存完毕运行脚本键入
python plex_meta_manager.py -r根据库的大小,这可能需要一段时间。我的测试304部电影花了22分钟。如果可以,请创建少数目录资源以达到快速测试效果的目的。 运行中可能会看到类似代码运行 运行完毕结果 效果:
- https://metamanager.wiki/en/latest/defaults/overlays.html
- https://github.com/meisnate12/Plex-Meta-Manager-Configs
libraries: Movies: overlay_path: - remove_overlays: false - reapply_overlay: true - pmm: resolution # 1, 4 - pmm: audio_codec # 2 - pmm: mediastinger # 3 - pmm: ratings # 5, 6, 7 template_variables: rating1: user # 5 as this is user and mass_user_rating_update: mdb_tomatoes rating1_image: rt_tomato # 5 as this is user and mass_user_rating_update: mdb_tomatoes rating1_font: C:\Users\15104\Plex-Meta-Manager\config\custom_fonts\Adlib.ttf # 5 local font accessible to PMM rating1_font_size: 63 # 5 adjusted font size to fit rating rating2: critic # 6 as this is critic and mass_critic_rating_update: imdb rating2_image: imdb # 6 as this is critic and mass_critic_rating_update: imdb rating2_font: C:\Users\15104\Plex-Meta-Manager\config\custom_fonts\Impact.ttf # 6 local font accessible to PMM rating2_font_size: 70 # 6 adjusted font size to fit rating rating3: audience # 7 as this is audience and mass_audience_rating_update: tmdb rating3_image: tmdb # 7 as this is audience and mass_audience_rating_update: tmdb rating3_font: C:\Users\15104\Plex-Meta-Manager\config\custom_fonts\Avenir_95_Black.ttf # 7 local font accessible to PMM rating3_font_size: 70 # 7 adjusted font size to fit rating horizontal_position: right # the set of ratings is on the right of the poster - pmm: streaming # 8 - pmm: video_format # 9 - pmm: language_count # 10 - pmm: ribbon # 11, 12 Bottom right sash is used by more than one overlay so a weight for priority can be applied operations: mass_user_rating_update: mdb_tomatoes # 5 This operation will update the user rating in plex with Rotten Tomatoes ratings information gathered through mdblist.com (mdblist config required) mass_critic_rating_update: imdb # 6 This operation will update the critic rating in plex with IMDb ratings information mass_audience_rating_update: tmdb # 7 This operation will update the audience rating in plex with TMDb ratings information settings: cache: true cache_expiration: 60 asset_directory: config/assets asset_folders: true asset_depth: 0 create_asset_folders: false prioritize_assets: false dimensional_asset_rename: false download_url_assets: false show_missing_season_assets: false show_missing_episode_assets: false show_asset_not_needed: true sync_mode: append minimum_items: 1 default_collection_order: delete_below_minimum: true delete_not_scheduled: false run_again_delay: 2 missing_only_released: false only_filter_missing: false show_unmanaged: true show_unconfigured: true show_filtered: false show_options: false show_missing: true show_missing_assets: true save_report: false tvdb_language: eng ignore_ids: ignore_imdb_ids: item_refresh_delay: 0 playlist_sync_to_user: all playlist_exclude_users: playlist_report: false verify_ssl: true custom_repo: check_nightly: false webhooks: # Can be individually specified per library as well error: version: run_start: run_end: changes: delete: plex: # Can be individually specified per library as well; REQUIRED for the script to run url: http://xxxxxxxx:32400 token: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx timeout: 60 clean_bundles: false empty_trash: false optimize: false tmdb: # REQUIRED for the script to run apikey: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx language: zh cache_expiration: 60 region: tautulli: # Can be individually specified per library as well url: apikey: ################################ omdb: apikey: ######## cache_expiration: 60 mdblist: apikey: ######################### cache_expiration: 60 notifiarr: apikey: #################################### anidb: # Not required for AniDB builders unless you want mature content username: ###### password: ###### language: en client: radarr: # Can be individually specified per library as well url: token: ################################ add_missing: false add_existing: false root_folder_path: S:/Movies monitor: true availability: announced quality_profile: HD-1080p tag: search: false radarr_path: plex_path: upgrade_existing: false ignore_cache: false sonarr: # Can be individually specified per library as well url: token: ################################ add_missing: false add_existing: false root_folder_path: S:/TV Shows monitor: all quality_profile: HD-1080p language_profile: English series_type: standard season_folder: true tag: search: false cutoff_search: false sonarr_path: plex_path: upgrade_existing: false ignore_cache: false trakt: client_id: #################### client_secret: #################### pin: authorization: # everything below is autofilled by the script access_token: token_type: expires_in: refresh_token: scope: public created_at: mal: client_id: #################### client_secret: #################### authorization: # everything below is autofilled by the script access_token: token_type: expires_in: refresh_token: